Have a question for Muddy Paws Cheesecake that isn't answered below? Contact us today! We're happy to help with any questions you have, and don't forget...​ Life is short. Eat Cheesecake!

Q: Can I pick up cheesecake today? How do I care for them?

A: Absolutely! We're open Tuesday - Friday from 9:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturdays 10-5. Stop by anytime or pull up curbside, to pick up a slice or a full cake!

Store your cheesecake in the refrigerator for 2 days or freezer up to 8 weeks. Freezer is always best for cheesecakes. Thaw a whole cheesecake 1.5-2 hours or a slice 30 minutes.

(Note: Thursdays June thru September, we are open til 7:30p per Food Truck Night!)

Q: What flavors do you make?

A: ​We make 222 (and counting) flavors! We are always looking for new flavors to add to our ever-growing menu.

Have an idea for a flavor? Send it to us here. You never know, it might just be named after you!

Q: What's the difference between traditional and specialty flavors?

Q: Do I need to pick up the cheesecake the same day as I am serving it? How do I store it?

A: ​Our traditional cheesecake flavors are available on a daily basis to stop by and purchase. Or order ahead. Specialty cheesecake flavors are not stocked, they are only made to order.

A: We bake the cheesecake fresh to order but they freeze perfectly! You may pick up weeks early or days early. Store cheesecakes in the freezer if possible (refrigerators dry cheesecakes out). Thaw whole cheesecakes for 1.5-2hours at room temp. Thaw single slices for 30 min at room temp. You may store them in the refrigerator up to 2 days but freezer is always best!